National Latino Family Report 2024:

Strength, Resilience, and Aspiration

A comprehensive study of the economic and social issues impacting Latino families with children prenatal through five years old.

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This report presents an overview of the Latino community amidst economic challenges and a dynamic socio-political landscape. Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors, in partnership with UnidosUS and BSP Research, surveyed and interviewed 1,500 Latino families with young children (prenatal through five years old) across the United States to understand the key issues, concerns, and aspirations that shape their daily lives and their vision for the future.

Latino families demonstrate remarkable resilience, resourcefulness, and a strong commitment to community, despite facing hardships like rising living costs and barriers to economic advancement.

The Pew Research Center reports that Latino eligible voters have increased by 4.7 million since 2018, representing 62% of the total growth in U.S. eligible voters.[1] As a significant and powerful voter base, representing around 34 million eligible voters in the 2024 election,[2] it is crucial for institutions and policymakers to consider their voices, learn about their proposed solutions, and actively engage them in the legislative process.

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How have Latino families’ financial situation changed?

"How have Latino families’ financial situation changed?" Pie chart
Decorative photo of woman at childcare center with kids playing in the background


of Latino families have not received child care
Decorative photo of a baby smiling at camera

Latino support for social safety nets

Federal child savings accounts:

87% support

Increase in Earned Income Tax Credit:

86% support

    Decorative photo of family at a birthday party celebration

    How have Latino families’ financial situation changed?

    "How have Latino families’ financial situation changed?" Pie chart
    Decorative photo of woman at childcare center with kids playing in the background


    of Latino families have not received child care
    Decorative photo of a baby smiling at camera

    Latino support for social safety nets

    Federal child savings accounts:

    87% support

    Increase in Earned Income Tax Credit:

    86% support

      Jump to

      Family Stories

      Health &
      Economic Well-being

      Decorative photo of a Latino family of four eating at kitchen counter

      As Americans entered 2023, predictions were dire for the economy, with rising interest rates and spiking inflation. However, over the course of the year, the U.S. saw increased economic output, improved consumer spending, and a reinvigorated job market. The Department of the Treasury reported the U.S. economy grew at a rate of 5.7% in 2023—the highest growth rate since 1984.[3]

      However, Latino families with young children felt the impact of economic fluctuations on their daily lives. With the cost of living (also known as consumer price index) increasing 3.1% since 2022,[4] our survey found the top concerns for Latino families are the rising cost of living and inflation and the need for improved wages and income.

      Latino families remain persistent in their quest for financial stability. Respondents not only seek immediate financial relief but advocate for permanent changes that lead to sustainable economic growth, improved health outcomes, and better educational opportunities for their community.

      Top 6 issues Latino families want the government to address

      Reducing housing prices icon

      Rising cost
      of living

      Improving wages and income icon

      Improving wages and income

      Gun violence & mass shootings icon

      Gun violence and mass shootings

      Lowering healthcare costs icon

      Lowering healthcare costs

      Reading comprehension icon


      Child care icon

      Affordable, high-quality child care

      Economic Resilience

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      Despite 37% of respondents reporting economic struggles, nearly a third of families with young children feel they are doing somewhat or a lot better compared to last year, while 33% feel their situation remains unchanged. This resilience is evident in their efforts to seek better-paying employment, promotions, and working extra jobs.

      How has your economic situation changed over the past year?

      What have you done to improve your family’s financial well-being this year?

      Looked for better paying job or promotion
      Worked an extra job
      Started my own business or side business
      Lowered rent/mortgages costs
      Enrolled in career building education classes
      Economic vulnerability is a significant concern, with 26% of families having less than $100 in savings. However, 37% have started savings accounts for their children's future education, reflecting long-term financial planning amidst immediate challenges.

      Are you planning long-term for your child’s financial future?

      Started a savings account for their college education
      Started a regular savings account for other needs when they are older

      A recent article by the Washington Post found that less than half of the promised social safety net support through programs like Medicaid, SNAP, and TANF actually made it to the American people.[5] Another report from The Center for American Progress showed that the regions with higher underrepresented populations had policies with weaker safety nets than the regions that don’t need them.[6]

      Social supports initiated in the 2020 American Rescue Plan, such as stimulus payments, expansions to SNAP, and the Child Tax Credit resulted in a historic drop in child poverty rates by 2021[7]—especially for Hispanic children.[8] Despite their immense success, these programs were slashed.

      In absence of reliable social support structures, Latino families with young children rely more on credit cards for emergencies (42%) and borrowing from friends and family (42%)—indicating both the financial strain and the strong support structures within the community.

      How have you managed your finances with rising costs of living?

      On top of adjusting to economic instability, many families are raising concerns over physical security with climate change affecting their working conditions.

      Families share that they’ve experienced increased work exposure to extreme heat, floods, tornados, wildfires, hurricanes, and drought. A recent study by the Environmental Protection Agency finds Hispanic and Latino individuals are 43% more likely to live in areas with the highest projected reductions in labor hours due to extreme temperatures.[9] As a result, 75% of young Latino voters are calling for the President and Congress to aggressively combat climate change.[10]

      Impact of climate on Latino working conditions


      In response to their economic challenges, Latino families express strong support for solutions that enhance their financial stability and quality of life. A key area of consensus is the call for an increase in the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), a policy that directly boosts low-to-moderate income families' earnings. The support for child savings account programs is also notable, illustrating a commitment to long-term financial planning and the importance of investing in their children's future. Currently, over 39 states have implemented popular government-sponsored child savings account programs.[11]

      Families are not only seeking better-paying jobs but are also interested in avenues that lead to career advancements. Respondents voice a future-focused approach to economic empowerment, especially for their children.

      Latino support for higher education

      Families express support for their children in pursuing careers in healthcare and STEM, as well as entrepreneurship. Latino businesses are a massive contributor to the U.S. GDP—totaling $2.3 trillion in 2017.[12] Nationally, Latino business ownership has grown 26% from 2019-2023,[13] a growth rate that continues to outpace white entrepreneurship and U.S. business growth at large.[14] Currently, Latinos are underrepresented in the STEM sector, making up only 8% of all STEM workers in the U.S.[15] However, 31% of families supported STEM careers for their children, alongside trade and vocational options.

      What career would you most like to see your child pursue?

      Computers or programming

      STEM: Science, technology,
      engineering or math


      or finance

      Business ownership

      Latino support for social safety nets

      Health & Well-being

      Decorative photo of a baby smiling at camera

      In our study, Latino families with young children express the desire for more work-life balance and community connectedness. Parents emphasize a desire to spend more quality time with their children, alongside improving health and physical activity for their family.

      Neighborhood improvements are a key concern to families, they advocate for crime reduction, quality parks and playgrounds,and more access to healthy foods.

      Low availability of healthy food is an urgent and ongoing need. A study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that food insecurity was higher for Hispanic/Latino homes with children.[16] Lower income communities are more likely to be located in a “food desert” where the nearest grocery store can be as far as 10 miles away—and Latino populations make up 15% of food desert communities.[17]

      What quality-of-life improvements would you like in your neighborhood? Part I

      In addition to physical well-being, mental health emerges as a significant area of concern, with 32% of families stating that they are highly concerned about their children's mental health. The challenge is compounded by the difficulty in accessing professional support, with 36% reporting they could not afford mental health services.

      What resources do you need to better manage stress/anxiety?


      There's a clear demand for more social and healthcare safety nets. A majority of families (92%) support paid family and medical leave, and 90% support reducing gaps in healthcare coverage for Latino children.

      Latino support for healthcare policies

      Survey respondents also demand more accessible nutritional assistance, with many families with young children advocating for expanded access to WIC and SNAP programs. While there was an emergency bonus to these benefits during the 2020 pandemic, those benefits ended in March of 2023, and families on SNAP programs now can expect an average $82 less per month in assistance.[18]

      [18] NPR

      What would help you access more healthy, nutritious food?

      Latino families advocate for a community where education, nutrition, and social welfare are integral parts of daily life. A notable 42% desire more quality open spaces, while 40% and 41% respectively call for increased family-friendly community events and children’s activities. These preferences highlight the community's commitment to safe, nurturing environments where families unite and children thrive.

      What quality-of-life improvements would you like in your neighborhood? Part II

      These solutions indicate a holistic view among Latino families, where health and well-being are seen as interconnected with economic stability, community safety, and access to quality food and healthcare.

      Early Education
      & Child Care

      Decorative photo of two fathers and their daughter reading a book

      The Latino community expresses many challenges and aspirations in the quest for early learning opportunities. Access to quality, affordable child care is the number one priority for survey respondents this year.

      Top 3 issues the government should address to improve child well-being

      Access to quality, affordable child care/early learning icon

      Access to quality, affordable child care/early learning

      Child safety icon

      Child safety

      Cost of college tuittion icon

      Cost of college tuition

      Child Care

      Decorative photo of a mother and baby crawling on the floor
      The survey highlights a critical challenge Latino families face: the high cost of child care. Specifically, the data shows that a significant portion of families do not receive child care because it is too expensive, creating a barrier to their children’s early development and learning.

      Has your child received child care?

      My child has not received child care
      Because it was too expensive
      For those who can afford child care, the financial commitment is considerable. About 50% of families spend between $200 to $600 per month on child care—a substantial portion of their monthly income.

      How much do you spend on child care per month?

      The economic impact of child care costs is further highlighted by the fact that 69% of parents would increase their work hours if affordable child care was available, and 58% would be more likely to look for a job. These data clearly illustrate how the availability and affordability of child care directly influence the employment decisions and economic stability of Latino families.

      Top child care challenges for Latino families

      Despite these financial constraints, families place quality as the highest priority when looking for care and early education. Parents name trustworthiness, experience, quality learning, and fair wages among the most important criteria.

      It’s important to note that the overwhelming majority of our respondents (87%) prefer that a family member provides child care. In a study by the Institute for Family Studies, it was shown that only 14% of Latino families preferred full-time paid child care, compared to the 62% who preferred parent or family child care.[19]

      Top qualities Latino families look for in child care


      Decorative photo of two children smiling at camera
      Bilingual education is a key component in preserving cultural heritage and ensuring future opportunities for Latino children. Our data reveal a strong consensus on this, with an overwhelming 91% of families stressing the importance of multilingual and multicultural education in early childhood.

      Do you want your child to be bilingual in English and Spanish?

      This sentiment is further emphasized by the fact that 90% of parents express a desire for their children to be bilingual in English and Spanish, highlighting the value placed on bilingual proficiency not just as a cultural asset but also as a vital skill in a globalized world.

      Research has shown that access to quality bilingual programs early in life is essential. By 8th grade, bilingual learners have been shown to outperform monolingual peers in reading, math, and attendance. [20] What’s more, research says bilingual individuals can make 5-20% more per hour than those who only speak one language.[21]

      Among respondents, 67% speak Spanish at home or with friends on a daily basis. This everyday practice of bilingualism at home underscores its integral role in family life and identity.

      What are you doing to provide your children with a good future?


      Latino families are calling for a holistic approach to early education, one that includes fair compensation for educators, increased access to quality programs, and a strong emphasis on bilingual and multicultural learning.

      The prenatal to three-year period is widely recognized as crucial for child development. Early experiences during this time shape the brain’s architecture and have long-lasting effects on learning, behavior, and health. Research shows that access to high-quality early childhood services correlates with improved academic success, educational attainment, future earnings, well-being, and reduced crime rates.[22][23] In a report also published by Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors and UnidosUS earlier this year, the Latino Infant Initiative Policy Agenda urged, “Prioritizing and investing in children and families during this period maximizes every child’s potential.”

      Latino families strongly advocate for increased state investment in affordable child care. This includes expanding programs like Head Start, with 89% of families favoring more funding to make these programs more affordable or free. Additionally, 91% of families advocate for increased funding for parent and family engagement, recognizing the vital role of family involvement in early learning.

      Latino support for more early childhood investment

      An impressive 93% support increased compensation for educators, signaling a recognition of the value and impact of quality teaching in early childhood development. Similarly, 92% of families support funding initiatives to encourage Latinos to earn degrees and credentials, facilitating their entry into the early childhood workforce. This not only addresses the need for more educators but also promotes cultural representation and understanding within the educational system.

      The strong preference for family-provided child care (88%) among Latino families reflects deep-rooted cultural values where trust is paramount. Understanding this preference is crucial for policymakers and community support organizations. Initiatives aimed at supporting Latino families, such as financial assistance, child care subsidies, or family support programs, need to be tailored to recognize and reinforce the role of family in child care.


      This survey reveals a portrait of the Latino community marked by resilience, aspiration, and a deep sense of community. While facing economic and health challenges, families with young children are proactive in seeking solutions, emphasizing education, mental health, and economic stability.

      Latino families’ collective voice and experiences provide crucial insights for policymakers and community leaders in addressing the needs and harnessing the strengths of the community in 2024 and beyond.

      About This Study

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      UnidosUS logo
      BSP Research logo

      Survey Methodology

      On behalf of Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors and UnidosUS, BSP Research collected opinions from 1,500 Latino parents and primary caregivers of children 5 years of age or younger, including expecting families, using a blended data collection approach that included online surveys and live telephone interviews conducted via landlines and cell phones. The survey was available in English or Spanish and carried an overall +/- 2.5% margin of error, with larger margins for the subsamples. Upon completion, the data were weighted to match the U.S. Census ACS for parents and caregivers of Latino origin. The survey included oversamples for both New Mexico and Los Angeles County. Due to rounding some of the total % numbers do not sum to 100%.


      We extend our deepest thanks to the following partners and collaborators on this report:

      Report designed by MediaDesk


      Cyntia Flores

      Guadalupe González

      Silvia Vasquez

      Partners and funders:

      BSP Research


      Conrad N. Hilton Foundation 

      J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation

      Riverside County Child Care Consortium

      Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


      Voices for Healthy Kids American Heart Association

      W.K. Kellogg Foundation

      Waltham Public Schools

      National Science Foundation logoSurvey was partially funded by the National Science Foundation subaward as part of the Child Trends Award # 2313936 Advancing Latino Parents' Access and Engagement with Science-Based Strategies for Climate-Resilient Parenting through a National Media and Community Campaign.